Saturday, October 31, 2009

My response to Dr. Phil and the mommy wars

TV is about stories based on conflict.  Daytime TV is based on conflict, real or imagined, but mainly manufactured!

So Dr. Phil's show on moms vs moms has made blogging history as EVERYONE has an opinion. The debate centers around which was better: stay-at-home moms or working moms.  Can you imagine the call for blood on both sides?

This polarization of women makes my skin crawl. But then women have always been at each others throats over who has what. "Thank God the grass is always worse on the other side." they say under their breaths. 

This time out, I find this argument deeply troubling. OMG I need a glass of wine before I scream out to all these women - you are missing the point!

I mean really, how spoiled are we as American women?  Talk to your housekeeper if you want to see the no-choice woman in action.  Talk to the woman in a third world country who has NO options to work to put food on the table.Talk to the women of the world who know, deep inside, that womens work is work no matter where you stand in this debate.

I want to know why we women cannot take our tremendous talents and energies into focusing on our commonalities: children.  

Public schools are failing and need us to prod the state into making them the best in the world. Everyday, everywhere on our blogs, newsletters, letters to our gov't officials should reflect our deep concern for our children, not our resentment of each others life circumstances. 

The health care system for children is a horror story that getting worse.  Where are the mothers of America in making a big stink about this one? 

If American women (working or stay-at-home) have enough energy to complain, then I say take that energy and move it to complaining loudly about our schools and health care system!

In the words of Eunice Shriver to her daughter Maria, "Quit your gipping!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bravo, Laurelle, and well said!