Friday, April 9, 2010

What's left for fun?

Received this message from a friend of mine. Thought it worth a blog.

Just saw your tweet. Your front yard got tp'd? Seriously? And I didn't grow up here, but honestly, are the kids' parents going to tell them off? Is there any consequence? 

Umm... having been a superb TP'er in my day, I cannot fault American kids for a bit of old-fashioned fun.  It's harmless, a mark of honor among teens (you're worth our time) and just plain fun for those doing it in the middle of night.   It's the thrill of doing something where you CAN get caught, but nobody does.  So what if the front yard looks a bit bedraggled?  All our neighbors came by and laughed and shared with us their own youthful "TP" stories. 

We have taken away all the fun stuff kids used to have outdoors. They now only have the net to surf.  And then we complain bitterly about their sedentary lifestyle. 

I remember egging houses, sneaking into movie theaters, and the best, absolute best, was throwing laundry detergent bombs into the myriad of fountains lining the streets of a planned neighborhood named (of all the Hollywood myths to copy) Mt. Olympus!  It was thrilling to execute, thrilling to not get caught and satisfying to go by the next morning and view each and every fountain foaming huge mountains of suds.  There was a certain "performance art" beauty to it all. We the perpetrators still LOL over the stunt when we get together.

Had a friend who, with a group of young guys in their 19ish year, changed the Hollywood sign to read "Hollyweed"in celebration of the marijuana law of 1976.  The leader of the weed patrol died recently.  His funeral was attended by a cross-section of mourners who knew him throughout his life.  But what was the one thing everyone brought up and told over and over again?  Not his thriving furniture business, not his board membership of several non-profits, but the planning and execution of the 'Hollyweed' stunt. It created a truly joyous LOL moment in an otherwise grim situation. 

So I say - TP away - it's the only fun thing left to do.  And parents, don't call the cops,  just get your kids to clean up the mess.  REALLY,  I mean REALLY!


Anonymous said...

Yeah, ma petite, you tell them how it is! We've become a country of boring, moralizing, lawsuit-happy dweebs who see the death of civilization under every rock. DIWYY :: do it while you're young (a website for girl travelers, to which my daughter has become a proud contributor)

Anonymous said...

wow, it's refreshing to read there are still kids not always glued behind a screen. Wonderful post and finally I understood that tweet of yours Laurelle.

Unknown said...

It's been a while, needless to say, but yes, I did my TP'ing too. Fun, and scary because I was THE WORST runner and figured I'd get left behind if we ever got caught.

Dawn Thomas said...

What a refreshing article, Laurelle! I love it!
My gosh--I did way worse than simple Tp'ing when I was young. I participated in TP'ing, too, but as rkoffler said with his acronym, DIWYY--I think I took that seriously. Nowadays, I don't have near as much fun. I hope I haven't grown into one of those that, "sees the death of civilization under every rock!" Geez...
