Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Calling Your Clients

 Let's get real here for a moment and acknowledge that the holidays are upon us.  That crazy time of year when everything seems to annoyingly show up on the 'to-do' list.

A very wise businessman once shared with me that if a fire destroyed his warehouse, it wouldn't matter.  If a fire destroyed his delivery trucks, it wouldn't matter.  BUT if a fire destroyed his client files, his business would be destroyed - finito - ended - finished!

There is only ONE top priority for all businesses to act on this fall season: CLIENT CARE

1) BACK UP CLIENT FILES - if you use a web CRM system of any kind, back it up.
2) BACK UP all client files that are resident on your computers! One client lost a list of 1600 names and with it future business. 
3) BEGIN - calling an established client who did business with you this year - Start with those that signed up with you in January and work your way through the year.
4) SAY THANK YOU to each and every one! 
5) ASK QUESTIONS on how you can help them achieve their business goals for 2012.  You may not be the one to satisfy the request, but if you refer them out, you would be surprised on how well they remember you.
6) BE HAPPY you have clients you can call to say thank you. Let them know how terrific it is to work with them!

Our businesses are built on the loyalty of our clients.  Loyalty is built via relationships that are active and have a feel good factor to them.  So pick up the PHONE and reach out and touch your clients.  They will appreciate it.

Any further questions - contact me and I will be happy to answer your question.
Laurelle Johnson
Strategies for Growth

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