Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Family Follow Up...

Our family reunion left us all with the feeling of new found friends. But the key to really continuing the connection is follow up. Reaching out to each other and sharing our daily lives.

In times gone by, pre-email, there was letter writing. A lot of letter writing. In fact, entire biographies of famous-once-they're-dead people have been written solely on the basis of their letters to friends, family and business associates. They are often referred to as "treasure troves."

Communication with other humans, distant and near, is a biological need. I think it's a DNA driven activity that is fourth in line after breathing, drinking and eating. Before sex, before safety, before being warm. I think once paper became common and writing ubiquitous, letter writing became the de facto medium to communicate.

Email is my medium and Facebook makes it easy. To keep in touch. To follow up. To make friends.

So I thought I would share with you some of the emails going back and forth between my newly discovered Belgian cousins and myself. I have deliberately left the misspellings in place as they would be in a written letter.
From NR after seeing the pictures of the fires in Los Angeles:

Waow, that's some smoke you have over there. Not too hard to breath, even with the Jackson mask on? (I had mentioned how I wore a mask a la Michael Jackson when driving around) How is Gabby doing now that she is back?
Did you take pictures of the fires at night? I've only seen the aftermath of these fires and even, I think I can't imagine how it feels to watch it all burn. I'm glad you're safe...

Here it was the first day of school and everybody is back to work. Welcome back traffic and bad weather!! Yesterday it was nice and hot, today it's raining raining raining. Sometimes I think I would prefer fires and earthquakes over the previsibility of our weather!

One of my collegue will be shortly leaving the center and I'll miss him, cause he makes me laugh! Never enough laughter, I'll say! And tomorrow I'll have to call my ex boyfriend for a work question. I haven't talked to him since we've split in november so that's gonna be weird.

and that's the brussels 's report!

My reply:

The fires are across the Valley from us. We are covered in smoke and have had to keep the doors and windows closed for three days. The news says we have approx. 2 weeks more of fire as they cannot control it. And it should burn! No one let the natural fires burn off this dry bushes for 60 years!

Luckily, G is away for the weekend with her friend Madelaine and not breathing smoke. She has asthma!

At night we can count the different areas on fire by watching the flames. It is beautiful and shows nature's power. Reminds me that we are all here temporarily.

As always California is a land of extremes. I am sure our winter will be filled with torrential rains and earthquakes. Isn't this place fun to live?

Voila le report de California. Bis a toi. Laurelle

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